Saturday, June 19, 2010

the great american food and music festival - the new meadowlands stadium - new jersey:

for starters, the weather was not in the festival favor so that put the kilbash on things. the set up was not ideal, but we got to see some Paula Deen antics, Tom Colicchio food schooling, and the team of Charm City Cakesters. the rain rafted most of the crowd out, but a small group gathered by the exit gates to watch the band's set. they had a a huge stage in the stadium at the 50 yard line with big guitar banners on each side, but no bands were playing that stage while all of the food vendors were outside the stadium as well as the bands playing on stages without guitar banners on the sides. the day was a wash mostly, but in the waning moments before the bus pulled off the lot a few of us snagged a Louis' Lunch hamburger. bread to meat ratio was excellent and the beef flavorful, but overall no match for that corned beef sandy from Sarge's. and no one there has a tv show.

hill country bbq - manhattan - new york:

seeing mario batali dining at a table as i walked in was a good sign that this bbq could hold some ground. but i cautiously approached the counter in hopes that i wouldn't immediately combust into flames from betrayal. inspired by the culinary cues of lockhart, texas these pits delivered. my mouth watered for the ribs of the salt lick and the sweetness of the pecan baste slow smoking slabs of carnage anxiously waiting to be plated, but those thoughts were swiftly carried away by the stench of trash laden streets and rats at the feet gnawing on bones while the city sirens beep. i kept my comparisons at the side, but i was in good grips. the chicken was moist and spicy. the brisket was delicious, fatty, and true. the sausage and cobbler were lacking, but the sides helped anchor the menu. a bbq carnival and there were no plains to gaze, but i give it a thumbs up. a great show and good time crowd. the night led to city views with early morning corned beef sandwiches and a long walk in good shoes. as the sun came up, we rounded the block. the bus became a beacon in the shadow of the clock. this city never sleeps, so why should we. oh, right cause we have to do it all over again in a few short hours.

big apple bbq and music festival - madison square park - new york:

although it was a little tricky getting gear from bus to stage, we made it happen. the band went on as scheduled and rocked the park and gained new fans as only they can. a beautiful day and event.

8x10 - baltimore - maryland:

we arrived early in the AM to secure parking on Cross street in front of the club. a late load in gave us some time to cruise the inner harbor area and enjoy the day. a personal trip through the aquarium zipped me back to the club for some load in love. the load in, not so bad. the load out while trying to maneuver gear through a drunk obstacle course curb crowd, a bigger challenge. a solid sounding room, and set. band played well and shined brighter than most stops along this run. a fun show. a much needed energy blow. "baltimore you dirty whore, we love you."

the southern - charlottesville - north carolina:

the turnout and reaction was reflective of a city shunning the entertainment basket. very soft. not onboard with the comedy bit, but mostly supportive. great staff, and hip little place, but we were in a bunker and bombs were on the way. and these sandwiches are the best thing i saw all day.

the pour house music hall - raleigh - north carolina:

rounding the block and jockeying for parking spots took the morning hour. then, feeding meters and beggar beatings til the streets closed down. many traveled from surrounding towns. a good show where a couple of the not so recent regular set songs crept into the bag.

the pour house - charleston - south carolina

a beautiful, relaxing city with a talkative crowd. a smoke cloud, filled with fans who require a four foot radius to dance. Alexi's bowl in the restaurant is reason enough, but the salty winds can sweep you up. a walk to water's edge, a stone in the hand, a swift blown breeze from the land of eez and PBR in a can, or the equivalent.

visulite theatre - charlotte - north carolina

a great stand up from wayne neil to warm the crowd. the band's set started with a great version of "please ask for help" and continued to impress. some great moments of connection. some shows feel like they are for the band, and tonight was that. it took some time for the crowd knot to loosen in spots, but some got too loose, too juiced, and launched their drink on stage. but "hey they got there and it was good." what would happen if someone walked into their office meeting and started throwing sugary liquor drinks all over them. oh, sure they might get a little upset at first, but when the drink tossers started cheering and dancing while the drenched went back to work, they would love it.

3rd and lindsley - nashville - tennessee

this was another live lightening 100 radio show. the first hour was for the legals, the second for the ladies. a solid show with no shaving. Smile Smile opens to claps.

summerfest 2010 - atlanta - georgia

good festival = good time. sun dresses = sun shine. art we never ventured to see = Tonic. some days go the way you plan them. a day for thanks and momentary relaxation. a great event ran by people that know how to put on a great event.

Friday, June 18, 2010

juanita's cantina ballroom - little rock - arkansas

moments of hilariousness and complete fuck offness, but a solid 2 1/2 hour set. overall a good night. fans were exposed to fabled stories of willie nelson blows. well, i guess that's no different than thinking of the old neighbor lady naked to hold it back a few more strokes.

it's been a minute.......

and a rough recall of shows since when it, fell off the front step and fore-skinned it, drew blood and we pretended, nothing happened. so, with that, i am going to step back for a minute, then step to the present.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"swerving in and out of the lane"

with one big sweep the chalkboard will clean, leaving a few small strokes at the edges in need. night two of threadgill's was another success. different group, same chill, while the sky held out for an earlier morning mess, of which will be noted. good show and crowd. the next few hours were a different season all together. rain, wind, and coldness beyond measure. for austin anyway. sometimes it stays sunny and warm for so long that you like to think that events are too strong for the weather to interfere. not true, but regardless of tents and temps it went on. it started early with a 9am load in at stubb's for the rachel ray feedback partay. a much anticipated event with equal billing. many good bands and fans packed the field. it started with dim hopes of even a white styro filled with the blandest of folgers blend, but thanks to hugh that happened, as did much of the day. squeegies moved pudds, and rakes drained mudds like a ball field rain delay. it stayed dry, but the sun never broke, and the winds only grew . lonlelyland pulled one of the old relics off the shelf, dusted it, and came out swingin'. every year during sxsw i get moved to the point of shedding a single tear for the emotional excitement i feel for this city, it's music, it's people, and how they can come together to be a part of something that in the grand scheme of things really means nothing, but is very pure and connected. this year that tear was shed here keeping the streak alive. later that night bob and the band swept the awards chalkboard, leaving only a few on the edges for others to score. a great week, and a great year for the band. muchos gratuiose, they deserve it. the next week started as the one before at the saxon pub for the monday night set. although, somewhat sluggish as peeps from both sides were beat from the fest, still a solid set.

Friday, March 26, 2010


if you could squeeze two great hours out of your life into a month long vacation at grandma's house, then this might have been a good one. back to back even. lived in real time. like a cold camp night jamboree warming you while the wind blows straight through those 100 count sleeves. but weren't you set? guiltless net? no one could have told you better. threadgill's is a state of mind. a place to dip into the past. like a firefly breathing his dying breath inside a mason jar on display at a neighborhood family cookout. "watch it, watch it. ooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!." and then we opened the jar and he faced the earth another dead one. no glow. at the pace of his own body weight. great show.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

how early do you like your music with your breakfast?

extremely early, for an extremely good event put on by KGSR. if you have not disciplined yourself to make any of these shows in the past years, then you are missing out. an event that continues to make this city unique and continues to warm my soul. not to mention the free breakfast tacos and bottomless cups of joe. complete with fancy brass dispensers and heavy white mugs. the band played two songs live on the air in the four seasons hotel lobby, while surrounded by festies packed so tight they might as well just give the person next to them a hug. the two songs were split by a brief interview from the hosts, and then they wrangled in the next act. amazing they put this event on, and even more so that the bands offer their time to do it. i look forward to many more.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the saxon gets a wild hair and a new patio

only monday of the sxsw week, but the buzz is about. full house. new patio too. several new changes in the saxonian institute. wristbands and even newer faces with old peppered in, and after last night's rain they might have a brighter idea to cover that leprechaun den. a good show. a good go. a solid performance and new tunes. to grow.

the mucky muck

tonight was a thread in this weekend of shitey whiteys. the crowd was good, but the PA was not. the band was as solid as they could be given the circumstances. lots of things not connecting like, the production/stage manager taking a look at the input list and saying "good luck with that". pretty sure that if you are the stage manager, then you should know how the stage is wired and how to assimilate that to the input list. it's kind of the whole point of your job. if you go to whataburger and ask the manager for a burger, i'm sure he's going to have a clue what the hell that means. "well, cue that 2001 space oddyssey music, this spaceship is goin' duuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrnn". the PA was horrible, the stage manger/production was horrible, while the crowd drank and sang on. another st. pat's down and we van it back to austin town. full on shepard's pie and fish tacos, we blast off.

"the art of losing war" in floore's country store

well, if you were unhappy with the quality and balance of the show sound , then you could have looked towards the merch booth and not the mix booth to find your answer. "yes, over here, i ordered that vomit omelet." i scheduled a late load in/soundcheck which proved to be about a billion light years off the mark. "really, you were off by that much Call, that ain't like you". "ahh, guess i was usin' my bad eye." when i say "off", i mean, marching men for war into mexico and hitting haiti first, starting from the alamo. death upon ridiculous death, which was unfortunate, as it was bob's biggest crowd here yet. sometimes, i have a way of jabbing a dirty needle into the vein of a clean, beautiful being. then, i watch from a distance as they deal with addiction, drag knuckles to earth and peel back the grin. sludgy veins. toilet brains. hobo fuck-mattresses, and soil stains. then, i walk up to them and hand them a dollar cause i liked their sign, and feel good about myself. the show shaped up as best it could and proved to be a successful night. many new faces and questions. progression. "well, ain't no since in getting too settled, we got to be out before the sun".

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"candy cane stain"

poor david's pub. dallas. tx. this place swirls. there is hilariousness to it that spins me. christopher walken narrates "i know, your DALLAS!! but there is something in your pocket baby!!... i need to bury my hand deep in that pocket of wash and pull that little man to shore." the make up of dallas crowds, when solo, in my short time, peppermint bob with "a bit a shit to eat", and it adds a minty fresh dynamic. it's intentional, unconscious, uncoordinated, and at times really good.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"what's up doc?"

another sold out packed house and good reason too. some new trails taken with some new fried bacon. bits. grits, and a stack of miss hits. no syrup, but that's why we gather for these saxon pub mondays. like being in the operating room when the doc makes the incision. watching that first plume of blood shoot out, bounce off the gurney, and seeing what's left sticking to the ribs. it's painful, it's gross at times, and in the end you hope for a pleasing recovery. not everyone can stomach it, and not everyone is happy about the procedure, but it's necessary for the future of modern music medicine.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"ghetto patio"

well, what can you say about corpus christi other than "that place is ghetto". i see things here that you rarely see anywhere else, if at all. guys taking pics of their cocks in front of the merch booth, fist fighting, and 40 dogs grinding. all disgusting. all unfortunate sightings, but "CC you keep the grease in greasy". an image i can't shake is this short story: guy gets into an argument with his girl, says "fuck you", turns around and starts grinding some other girl during 40 dogs, who is "into it" by the way, complete with her bent over, ass spankings, and her trying to keep her chest inside her dress. if there was a universal sign of a guy shaking his head trying to clear his eyes of what he has just seen, then i'm that guy making that sign. the fans had a great time, showed great support and respect. no shortage of crazy. a party no less.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"everything is bigger in dallas, including the assholeness""

i wasn't satisfied with the time we had to prepare for the show or our overall showing, but when you have a solid band and engineer like jay you can make things "hobble". the showed started with flame and stayed there, for that i have to say, "muchos respectoast". the crowd was large. the noise was big. the camel was cat. the panther was pig. the staff is full of delightful people, some of the nicest in the country. the hospitality is over the top, however, i'm not a fan of the venue overall. just doesn't sound good to me. ever. put a dollar into making the room sound good. get some control on those reflections flying around the room. put some effort in. its not enough to say, "well, it has that unique old movie theater sound to it", "that's what makes it special", or "ticket sales don't lie"." not true. just because people continue to purchase tickets and frequent shows, does not equal a great listening experience. the acoustic treatment of the old movie theater days has been surpassed by technology, equipment, knowledge and the age old "hey that sounds like shit, we should do something about it". although, there's one or two redeeming qualities of the greater area, i do not like dallas. it's full of baptists who forget that there's a world of other people out there that will likely be in the afterlife with them. from my experiences "dallas has some of the rudest fans i've come across in the country".

Monday, March 1, 2010

the mouse snacked the packed house.

big night. big crowd. big show. sold out house. a stuffed mouse. a cheese-wheel set, starting with a pair of "40 dogs and cigarettes" renditions. one for video, and one for real. one for fantasy, and one for feel. a good night, and ending to this run. money gone, moving bed, mouse trap, memory lap.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"the stop"

another sold out show at the rhythm room, and the band delivers the goods. a square cinderblock room with a sketchy PA, but this crowd pays no attention to that and continues to throw down. on drinks, and merch. good show. good crowd. good energy. a fun place to set your values aside for a moment and get lost. check your judgement and collared shirts at the door, you won't be needing them. you have entered a time lapse capsule, and currently the driver is busy mixing a drink. if you want off you have to jump cause this ride does not slow. great fans, and great staff. a beacon stop. on the way out or way home.

warmer temps and vintage toilet roll dispense

why did they put the toilet paper dispenser uncomfortably close in older days? i can't imagine that it became inconvenient over time, it must have always been that way. hotel/club congress is a hip old place, and good setting for a show with an adventurous restaurant menu and side bar, but the toilet roll is very close and akward. nearly behind you. an all in one, but with class and style. the show had low energy and dragged mostly, but the crowd was appreciative and showed love. the tour legs have taken a hit, so a night of re-cooping is in order to stand them straight.

vegas holes

vegas. where you can drain your bank account for 8 minutes of good time in several holes. i chose gambling as i keep my AIDSY situations to a minimum. sirens appeared and whispers of "you are a winner, go big" entered my ear. although, the "go big" part was shining through, the "you are a winner" became blurry as the night grew. maybe, that was the red. either way, late night gambles lead to breakfast buffet scrambles, but all worth the loss. and at this point we are not tallying, or recognizing atm withdrawl receipts. only placing a high value on that good time by reliving a few good hands of play that al end with me throwing it back into the vegas hole. the venue is what you would expect of a hard rock cafe, but the treatment and crowd better. well, outside of the skimpy artist dinner menu., which in turn became inspiration for a new soundcheck song that has worked it's way into the set. the first two songs were killer. one of which being a big blue sea version with the vocal live efx box. then, the show turned, energy and flow were lost. leaving the encore a good place to regroup and draw up new plays which proved to be worth the ticket price alone. overall a good time and night ending with the bus pulling down the strip, while jay and i dash from the buffet grip. i'll need twice the sleep and size of erasure i used in sparks to rid this vapor.

rainy san francisco

the rain beat the street as we took a curbside seat around 8am. graveled some bean bag coffee, and soon headed to san rafael for a solo house show. a rewarding experience. after, we stop for two pounds of chocolate before heading back to the venue. somewhere between san diego and san francisco an evil choco phase grew like a crushing wave. crushing all regards to post self loathing or caloric concern with equal deception. making regular stops, but not for the average bar. the winter tooth has seen it's shadow and only accepts purchases in pounds. onto the show. the vibe, venue, band, and crowd are over the top good here. one of my favorite places bob plays, not to mention the friendly staff and overall feeling of appreciation from the venue and crowd as a whole. a genuine connection. not pretentious. a genuine venue. not hob horrendous. it's rare when all of the necessary good show factors come together and really fly. a great FRUNK as well. jay had the room and recording dialed in while the group delivers a smokin' set. literally.

Monday, February 22, 2010

sometimes the only perception of a town is derived by the number of christian bookstores you comes across in a day

the show was hit and miss. the crowd was pleasant and vocal. without prompting they chimed in on the piggyback answer lines. a surprise that more crowds don't do. fun melodies and lyrics too. some things vibrate and please the human body to the point that it cannot help but reciprocate a similar sound. i often hum along. the staff was very helpful and the owners genuine. a quaint town with a beautiful mountain backdrop. the show was done, and like old people missing the dinner rush after their early bird discount, we navigate the gear through the booty dance all stars getting their floss on, pack the bus, grab some after show burritos, and burn the tires getting out. oddly, the show went from 30s homeowners to early 20s grind fest in less than 10 minutes after the band's set. i expect that in nacodoches, tx, but not in an affluent california mountain town. good times and good people.

what time is the main course serving, again?

sunset sessions. basically a few day industry party in the hills of sunny san diego country club style completely void of average band digs. better said, not one person on stage could afford to be here any other week of the year, or live in the neighborhood. very posh, and accommodating, but stale. i didn't get the vibe of celebrating creativity. more so, like a large boxing ring of bands in their respective corners while their mgmt spread the vasoline over the cuts to minimize bleeding and spouting words of encouragement while they peak around the corner to get a better look at the opponent. not really about the bands or music, but more for industry reps to use the company dollar to throw a party. a fitting pic and logo because when i think of music and conferences to further artist success and celebrate creativity i picture an attractive slim woman lying half naked in a grass skirt on the beach under a palm tree sipping fruity drinks while an instrument leans in the area. i imagine every band that saw that immediately found comfort and reassurance that they were a part of something hip and cutting edge. alas, a good time and appreciated chance to hang with friends of other showcasing acts. a short set that proved to be good choices for the environment. the reaction was good, and the connection was in the room if it was to be made. great coffee and dinner. there is something about big brassy coffee dispensers, a guy in a tuxedo tending the area, white table cloths, and clean heavy white coffee mugs that excites me. but stay away from that cream cheese bread cracker thing. not good. live and learn.

hodad's and a beach walk

fuck live nation and really, fuck the house of blues. they suck artists and fans dry of money, and the staff is generally agro. no other venues i've worked has there been more teeth pulling and overall rude rubs from the situation as a whole. each time i step through the doors i feel the slime growing and sucking the life from my pores. scales try to form. worms try to penetrate the brain and leave trace parts of magnetic greed. they charge bands and fans ridiculous fees and hide behind wordy legal sleeze. i will likely never buy a ticket for a show at a house of blues venue or spend an honest dollar in their establishment. they are the cock of satan. that being said, the show was solid and the turn out was respectable. appreciative crowd and fun fans. some delectable. the next day was spent in ocean beach around newport avenue. thanks to martie for the suggestion and blair for letting us park the bus in front of his bungalow and roam the beach streets for a day. a hodad's hamburger, new shades, and a walk on the beach. the complete opposite of the house of blues, and i find something to redeem.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"get on your boots"

the troubador is an institution, and doesn't disappoint when asked to bring it's rock boots. the names and shows passed through here could fill a museum of "remember whens and whose whos". a near 500 gather for the show while the band delivers a few rail slides and near crashes complete with a star spangled banner attempt. two things to remember when singing this song. 1.) the key or note you start on. 2.) know the lyrics. the set was strong and the crowd was down for the sing along. during big blue sea, bob lays out and the crowd takes the lead. unprovoked, they drowned him out and eat their song cake, while he concedes . a good time and a good night.

meth fest

a mardi gras tent fest complete with meth and clusterfucked set up. they built the stage and tent in the street starting at noon and ending somewhere after doors with nair a sound made from stage. we spent most of that time jockeying for parking space and waiting for the load in go ahead, which came 4 hours late and 20 minutes before the set. the situation turned into a guerilla style throw-n-go free for fall headed by the talented jay thomas. no matter how small the window, he can fit through it. the show was a short 45 minutes or so as the band's set was squeezed from a full hour. not great but it happened. tonic closed the street show, while i shad a few early college days memories for the hits. there are many great reasons to come to california, modesto lands low on the list of "must sees". as the night grew on, so did the tempers, and cops piled in to arrest a slew of fighty festies. trash comes in many forms. it's at this point you look out of the front window of the bus staring at the growing line of guys n cuffs on the curb while the fest dj spins hip hop beats and mounds of useless scratching over the top of johnny cougar's jack and diane you realize your time here has expired. first off, that sounds like shit and i have a hard time finding the art or talent in matching tempos betwixed two songs and obnoxiously playing them on top of each other. that's about as talentless as me at age 10 thinking i was a badass dj cause i could stop and start my dual cassette player to make a beat. even i had to look at myself after 20 minutes and say "that sucks", move on, and just let the cassettes play as the real creators intended. secondly, if you get into a fight in any situation while that song is playing, then you are probably being a douchebag unless it's with the dj. overall, another show and appreciated experience. now let's get back to the regular program.

Monday, February 15, 2010

music. food. love. synonymous

another great sold out gruene hall show. 4 things that never disappoint here: 1.)the band 2.)the crowd 3.)the staff 4.)the gristmill. the usual starter chips, queso, torpedo poppers, and hot wings were in order. from there its a solid walk around the stable of menu choices, including coffee. it's likely folgers, but the nostalgia and dirt on your boots adds the rest. the house was buzzing and love was in the air. i however, am not able to see that shade so i give it a blank stare. but a man can lose sight on a night like tonight, letting his guard shake and be sucked into the light. while the purrs stir and perch for prey, like urban jungle cats plotting to play. he must hone is bone, skill his will, and hold his stones at weddings, friendly new year's eve house parties, and especially on valentine's day.

a foggy grind

not much to say of this place. a college dump really. a place where they remove the drains in the bathroom floors because of regular yager bomb voms and the like. a place where you feel like you should just pee on yourself because there's really no difference. walls painted that mid 90s color of forest green you might have bought in your early 20s and impressed a few ladies with. maybe even did the walls in a two tone with a deep burgundy color to give it some pop, while blasting the latest. a small college town all in one dance club, restaurant, music venue, pool hall, and sports bar with a swimming pool and deck where you might even pay your rent check and do laundry at. mostly a set of requests. a fitting platform. the crowd was unconventional but appreciative. we could not get out of the way fast enough for the next crowd of 150 or so coming into get their grind on. set was good, we packed up, and headed back to austin facing fog most of the way. not settling.

Monday, February 8, 2010

meeting expectations

the house was full and the show went well. a solid monday night.

"hey ladies"

all things considered, this was an above average aardvark show. it stayed on course and the crowd had a good time. the BBQ is getting better with each visit, while the pattern has been established. 1.) one or a collection of brosephs will attempt to use their undergrad business skills to "work a deal on merch" usually starting with "hey bro, is there a discount for being the first person to buy something" with hints of "the customer is always right" speeches and usually end with "that's not right bro". 2.) one or a collection of those bros will spill their drink/beer all over the merch table. there are few places where more people have less control of their hands and what they have in them, including cigarettes. i pair spilled drinks and cigarette ashings on merchandise together as many times it happens all in one motion or the same guy will come back later with multiple infractions. 3.) the room will be filled with attractive women. if for any reason, this. guys, take notice.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

fencing with darts

this is one of the shows you look for when you are on the fence about attending. sitting at the office desk letting that thought rattle around all day. calling partners or friends looking for decision support and coming up baffled. throwing darts at a calendar on the wall to pick one monday night show of the month to go to and finding no comfort. you would have wanted to aim in the direction of tonight. solid show with some classic versions. i heard things i had not heard in some time, some ever. reasons for accolade and high grade. B+. a good time. better than your average 2 hours spent anywhere else.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

patient 01252010: deceased

rough show. few signs of cohesion as it was buried deep in the blue sea. hopes hung high on the early signs of life, while limp and barely breathing it was resuscitated on-site. but the initial trauma too great. the body blows too strong. the length of time between injury and treatment too long. doctors say around 10pm it went into shock. bouncing off the gurney like a new born hawk. wobbly legs and neck, sweating profusely, ghost faced, and letting its whole body be pulled to the earth like a gasoline soaked rag looking to change its state. it hit the ground, bounced twice, and combusted into a thousand pieces of raging fire and flame. melting into oblivion, so no one could recover the remains. it happens.

Monday, January 25, 2010

"let's get it on"

the bob and mitch show is a dynamic cloth. a soft. sexy. smooth. delicate. velvety thing of hue. a thing you want to go home and "get it on" close to. crowd was respectful and appreciative. reverent. often present with harmony and participation. a night of good music and musicianship, leaving a good number waiting a good chunk to get their FRUNK. crowd stories could have carried home to late night get downs. translating into diner sales and uncomfortable brunch. for some, maybe bouldin creek and vinyls. either way, it's good with coffee or booze.

Monday, January 18, 2010

maintaining the garden

overall hype was hazy, but similar to looking at yourself in the mirror after a steamy shower, there was a flower somewhere behind the fog. the band played well and tended the garden by delivering a solid set containing new jams and old ones with new clams. a few classic versions on a great recording, thanks to jay thomas. crowd numbers were strong, and room to breathe was "in" as sass was "out". like trash, it leaves your mind as it leaves your hand, letting the garden shop scent goods find their way back through the open armed vent hoods. it hits your nose and you know. this soil is magic. this garden is home. like avatar, without the neck hole walkie talkie bullshit.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a message from management

the shift was in full swing. the stew at capacity. the usual chefs were in the house whipping up new dishes on the fly. the regular peppers were in the crock, good for balance and regularity, while some new flavors were keeping the dishes "salty". many thought it was a good show. some words for the salty. "thanks. thanks for patronizing this cozy establishment. hope you feel the history, ritual, respect, and overall lovey goodness put into every 30 seconds that you spend here. overnight lodging is rare, closing time invites are inventory pending. rides and petting zoo funs available for ages 21 'n up. purchase ride tickets at customer service desk near main entrance. one ticket per ride. park closes early. rides stay open a little later. along with the pickle bar, we bring you the greatest most humanly possible satisfactory entertainment experience possible. not to mention, it's some of the finest cuisine from some of the finest chefs in the world. the menu changes nightly, and continues to be a large portion of their popularity. they have many locations around the country offering similar, but uniquely different dishes. (world wide expansion coming soon, full menu never available). this chef circle realizes that your palate changes often, so they keep it fresh. keeping on the tops of trends and always doing their best to create cutting edge delectibles for you and yours. it's more than something to fill your hole. it's nourishment with purpose and soul. the flavors are too strong and, in fact, cannot be stopped. we hope to see you often".

-night shift management

Monday, January 4, 2010

cracking the egg set

the new year egg had yet to be cracked at antone's without the usual bob set, but the contents were fully exposed by 2 am january 3, 2010, shiny coat and all. as the band took the stage, the egg emerged for battle latching on to their gear trying to "contain the rock", but it was no match for the lonelyland batch. they cracked that egg and took it bed. good crowd and show. fun times at home and halcyon around the corner. this too is nice.

"dallas keeps things regular"

the year starts with another big night and show at the house of blues in dallas, tx. the fans get their money's worth in show, but not in flow. as in, relief-rooms. the house was nearing its fullest test of the evening, the show was 3 songs down, and then a horrible stank of something brown came wafting through the house. the main hall relief-rooms had backed up and started seeping under the walls into the merch area. "why yes, pea-eye, most persons could pick in a multiple choice question the contents of that water". "really?". those bathrooms were closed. so, many heels were chopped making the trip up and down stairs to the 2nd floor stop, but the crowd was understanding and had a great time. band played a great set and raised the bar for the year to come. "well pea-eye, that's talk for doin' thangs better more times n' a row". "ok". no trail mix, but coffee was available. and that increases happiness and smoothness by the cup. good times.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 tarantula blue moon extravaganza

the 2010 new year celebrations in Austin left zombies walking the streets after closing time all around the downtown dome. zombies get restless as the night progresses, having witnessed personal zombie episodes on my own. due, to the fact that this town does not have enough cabs on peak weekends and we have a weak public transportation system. they turn zombie and start that long, mostly intoxicated walk home . a part of the group that lives close enough to even think it a possibility. 10 thousand or more descending upon the city. the head lowers and they get into some sort of thriller slump rhythmic zombie trot. many were spawned from the Bob Schneider with Lonleyland and Tosca Strings Paramount Theatre show, with support from The Rocketboys. a big show and a big night. the band was on fire from the start, all heart. the crowd came around after the "no dancing in the aisle blues" were crowned, and the new year was rang on the fly. literally. in the middle of Captain Kirk with a mid-jam 8 second countdown in true unrehearsed style. i enjoyed it. there was no stopping and restarting of the party. no time to reflect on the past year and self hate. no reason. only reason to celebrate. so, let's get to it. happy new year.