Saturday, June 19, 2010

the great american food and music festival - the new meadowlands stadium - new jersey:

for starters, the weather was not in the festival favor so that put the kilbash on things. the set up was not ideal, but we got to see some Paula Deen antics, Tom Colicchio food schooling, and the team of Charm City Cakesters. the rain rafted most of the crowd out, but a small group gathered by the exit gates to watch the band's set. they had a a huge stage in the stadium at the 50 yard line with big guitar banners on each side, but no bands were playing that stage while all of the food vendors were outside the stadium as well as the bands playing on stages without guitar banners on the sides. the day was a wash mostly, but in the waning moments before the bus pulled off the lot a few of us snagged a Louis' Lunch hamburger. bread to meat ratio was excellent and the beef flavorful, but overall no match for that corned beef sandy from Sarge's. and no one there has a tv show.

hill country bbq - manhattan - new york:

seeing mario batali dining at a table as i walked in was a good sign that this bbq could hold some ground. but i cautiously approached the counter in hopes that i wouldn't immediately combust into flames from betrayal. inspired by the culinary cues of lockhart, texas these pits delivered. my mouth watered for the ribs of the salt lick and the sweetness of the pecan baste slow smoking slabs of carnage anxiously waiting to be plated, but those thoughts were swiftly carried away by the stench of trash laden streets and rats at the feet gnawing on bones while the city sirens beep. i kept my comparisons at the side, but i was in good grips. the chicken was moist and spicy. the brisket was delicious, fatty, and true. the sausage and cobbler were lacking, but the sides helped anchor the menu. a bbq carnival and there were no plains to gaze, but i give it a thumbs up. a great show and good time crowd. the night led to city views with early morning corned beef sandwiches and a long walk in good shoes. as the sun came up, we rounded the block. the bus became a beacon in the shadow of the clock. this city never sleeps, so why should we. oh, right cause we have to do it all over again in a few short hours.

big apple bbq and music festival - madison square park - new york:

although it was a little tricky getting gear from bus to stage, we made it happen. the band went on as scheduled and rocked the park and gained new fans as only they can. a beautiful day and event.

8x10 - baltimore - maryland:

we arrived early in the AM to secure parking on Cross street in front of the club. a late load in gave us some time to cruise the inner harbor area and enjoy the day. a personal trip through the aquarium zipped me back to the club for some load in love. the load in, not so bad. the load out while trying to maneuver gear through a drunk obstacle course curb crowd, a bigger challenge. a solid sounding room, and set. band played well and shined brighter than most stops along this run. a fun show. a much needed energy blow. "baltimore you dirty whore, we love you."

the southern - charlottesville - north carolina:

the turnout and reaction was reflective of a city shunning the entertainment basket. very soft. not onboard with the comedy bit, but mostly supportive. great staff, and hip little place, but we were in a bunker and bombs were on the way. and these sandwiches are the best thing i saw all day.

the pour house music hall - raleigh - north carolina:

rounding the block and jockeying for parking spots took the morning hour. then, feeding meters and beggar beatings til the streets closed down. many traveled from surrounding towns. a good show where a couple of the not so recent regular set songs crept into the bag.

the pour house - charleston - south carolina

a beautiful, relaxing city with a talkative crowd. a smoke cloud, filled with fans who require a four foot radius to dance. Alexi's bowl in the restaurant is reason enough, but the salty winds can sweep you up. a walk to water's edge, a stone in the hand, a swift blown breeze from the land of eez and PBR in a can, or the equivalent.

visulite theatre - charlotte - north carolina

a great stand up from wayne neil to warm the crowd. the band's set started with a great version of "please ask for help" and continued to impress. some great moments of connection. some shows feel like they are for the band, and tonight was that. it took some time for the crowd knot to loosen in spots, but some got too loose, too juiced, and launched their drink on stage. but "hey they got there and it was good." what would happen if someone walked into their office meeting and started throwing sugary liquor drinks all over them. oh, sure they might get a little upset at first, but when the drink tossers started cheering and dancing while the drenched went back to work, they would love it.

3rd and lindsley - nashville - tennessee

this was another live lightening 100 radio show. the first hour was for the legals, the second for the ladies. a solid show with no shaving. Smile Smile opens to claps.

summerfest 2010 - atlanta - georgia

good festival = good time. sun dresses = sun shine. art we never ventured to see = Tonic. some days go the way you plan them. a day for thanks and momentary relaxation. a great event ran by people that know how to put on a great event.

Friday, June 18, 2010

juanita's cantina ballroom - little rock - arkansas

moments of hilariousness and complete fuck offness, but a solid 2 1/2 hour set. overall a good night. fans were exposed to fabled stories of willie nelson blows. well, i guess that's no different than thinking of the old neighbor lady naked to hold it back a few more strokes.

it's been a minute.......

and a rough recall of shows since when it, fell off the front step and fore-skinned it, drew blood and we pretended, nothing happened. so, with that, i am going to step back for a minute, then step to the present.