Monday, February 15, 2010

a foggy grind

not much to say of this place. a college dump really. a place where they remove the drains in the bathroom floors because of regular yager bomb voms and the like. a place where you feel like you should just pee on yourself because there's really no difference. walls painted that mid 90s color of forest green you might have bought in your early 20s and impressed a few ladies with. maybe even did the walls in a two tone with a deep burgundy color to give it some pop, while blasting the latest. a small college town all in one dance club, restaurant, music venue, pool hall, and sports bar with a swimming pool and deck where you might even pay your rent check and do laundry at. mostly a set of requests. a fitting platform. the crowd was unconventional but appreciative. we could not get out of the way fast enough for the next crowd of 150 or so coming into get their grind on. set was good, we packed up, and headed back to austin facing fog most of the way. not settling.

1 comment:

  1. "Unconventional but appreciative" is a perfect description of the crowd. I was happy to hear "Ocho" requested and played. It's an old one that is recently new to me.
