Sunday, March 7, 2010

"everything is bigger in dallas, including the assholeness""

i wasn't satisfied with the time we had to prepare for the show or our overall showing, but when you have a solid band and engineer like jay you can make things "hobble". the showed started with flame and stayed there, for that i have to say, "muchos respectoast". the crowd was large. the noise was big. the camel was cat. the panther was pig. the staff is full of delightful people, some of the nicest in the country. the hospitality is over the top, however, i'm not a fan of the venue overall. just doesn't sound good to me. ever. put a dollar into making the room sound good. get some control on those reflections flying around the room. put some effort in. its not enough to say, "well, it has that unique old movie theater sound to it", "that's what makes it special", or "ticket sales don't lie"." not true. just because people continue to purchase tickets and frequent shows, does not equal a great listening experience. the acoustic treatment of the old movie theater days has been surpassed by technology, equipment, knowledge and the age old "hey that sounds like shit, we should do something about it". although, there's one or two redeeming qualities of the greater area, i do not like dallas. it's full of baptists who forget that there's a world of other people out there that will likely be in the afterlife with them. from my experiences "dallas has some of the rudest fans i've come across in the country".

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