Saturday, June 19, 2010

hill country bbq - manhattan - new york:

seeing mario batali dining at a table as i walked in was a good sign that this bbq could hold some ground. but i cautiously approached the counter in hopes that i wouldn't immediately combust into flames from betrayal. inspired by the culinary cues of lockhart, texas these pits delivered. my mouth watered for the ribs of the salt lick and the sweetness of the pecan baste slow smoking slabs of carnage anxiously waiting to be plated, but those thoughts were swiftly carried away by the stench of trash laden streets and rats at the feet gnawing on bones while the city sirens beep. i kept my comparisons at the side, but i was in good grips. the chicken was moist and spicy. the brisket was delicious, fatty, and true. the sausage and cobbler were lacking, but the sides helped anchor the menu. a bbq carnival and there were no plains to gaze, but i give it a thumbs up. a great show and good time crowd. the night led to city views with early morning corned beef sandwiches and a long walk in good shoes. as the sun came up, we rounded the block. the bus became a beacon in the shadow of the clock. this city never sleeps, so why should we. oh, right cause we have to do it all over again in a few short hours.

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